Thomas Wasserman
Here's an old selection of talks I've given.
Invited Talks
- Topology Seminar, Oxford, October 2017. Notes.
- Geometry and Quantum Theory Colloquium, Utrecht, July 2017.
- J venes Investigadores X Workshop, Madrid, September 2016.
Contributed Talks
- Young Topology Meeting, Stockhom, July 2017.
- Young Topology Meeting, Copenhagen, July 2016.
- European Talbot, Winterberg, May 2016.
- Topology Progress Seminar, Stanford, April 2016.
- Young Topology Meeting, Lausanne, July 2015.
- Ecstatic, Imperial College London, June 2015.
- Young Topology Meeting, Copenhagen, July 2014.
On top of these, I've given numerous talks in Oxford's Junior Topology and Geometry Seminar, Junior Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminar, and the Topology Advanced Class.
Outreach Talks
- Graduate Open Day, Oxford, November 2014. Slides.
- Berkeley Math Circle, April 2014.